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BMO is committed to working with Governmental organisations such as IPCC, UNEP, USAID,DEFREA, EA, Local Council and so many others to optimise intended reduction targets.


About us

BMO is committed to bridging the gap between Environmental policies and implementation by Stakeholders. We have studied and analysed the wide gap between research, policies and suggestive theories relating to sustainable environment. We understand the difficulty policy makers face getting stakeholders to adhere to policies they don’t know how they are impacted by! We are here to help!



We have engaged several communities on practical ways in which we can collaboratively build bridges that contribute to the overall health and wellness of the planet. Our laudable impact has been enormous and we have achieved this feat through the help of our dedicated and passionate team who make up the BMO workforce. Cumulatively, our team has over 45 years of cognitive work experience with hybrid degrees and certifications ranging from Estate and Environmental Management to Environmental Science, Doctorate in the field of Climate Change Impact & Adaptation, Integrative & Sustainable Nutrition amongst others.

We have also been onboarded as certified members of the Institute of Environmental Management Association, an achievement that make us more confident that we are equipped to navigate elementary and complex challenges and deliver satisfactory results at all times.

Our Pledge

We deliver our services in line with the core values of unrivalled expertise, social responsibility to the environment, and upholding in-demand sustainable practices that foster healthy communities.

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If your operations have the potential to impact the environment, we can support you
reduce or prevent the risk.

We manage all aspects of policy adherence, environmental assessment, and pre-requisites for all permit approvals. Using our in-depth 15 years in environment management, we can support you prevent or downsize risks if your operations have the potential to impact the environment.


We strongly believe that together we will make a difference for future generations by engaging in responsible environmental practices.

Between the mundane and complex scenarios, our team of experts work to prepare a plan that is bespoke to your specific needs.

Together, from conception to implementation, we will work to reduce carbon footprints and improve the overall health of the primary and secondary environment.


 We operate with integrity, attentiveness to service and environment, respect and opened to continuous improvement.


We focus on building close partnerships with our clients and aim to ensure that our services, provide the highest degree of flexibility and responsiveness for the client at all stages of the project life cycle.



Our services cover training; a team of seasoned research experts educate your communities on the importance and benefits of adapting to sustainable living as well as mitigating climate change impacts.

We begin education from early primary to tertiary level, in the hope to influence and equip the next generation with tangible sustainability armory that will stand the test of time, from little little to giant steps.

Legal requirement

We help obtain legal requirements and update changes through regular compliance audit and periodic review of relevant environmental regulations and policies.

Permit and Planning

Getting your planning permission refused can be a nightmare and a second refusal worsens your future chances! Trust us with your consultation and the following applications;

  • • Site Condition Reports

    • Risk Assessments

    • Environmental Monitoring Plans

    • Assessments and Management Plans

    • General Permit Application

    • Waste Permit Application

    • Alteration Permit Application

    • Air Quality Assessment

    •. Development of Environmental Management System

    • Screening and Scoping

    • Planning Statements

    • Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)

    • Environmental Statement document

    • Design and Access Statements

    • Statements of Community Involvement

    • Public Inquiry and Expert Witness

    • Due Diligence and Compliance Assessments

    • Discharge of Conditions

    • Planning Policy Analysis


Climate change impact assessment

Trust us with it.


You deserve to know the climate change impact risks to your property investment before committing. Our team of professionals are happy to do the background work for you and your organisation.

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 The world has changed the way
we live and work.

Unexpected events and megatrends such as rapid urbanization and climate change are putting pressure on communities, cities, and resources worldwide. As a business, we want to maximize our impact by harnessing the power of technology and data to develop solutions to today’s global challenges. We are focused on improving the way resources are utilized, protecting our environment, creating transporting solutions, and planning for the places where we can enjoy our work and home lives.


Get in touch!

Use the form to contact us or find our contact details below | +447497898826